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University of Edinburgh Graduates' Association

Editorial Guidelines
The University of Edinburgh Journal is published twice a year, in June and December, by the University of Edinburgh Graduates’ Association. It is distributed to all members and associate members as part of their subscriptions, to all Honorary Members, and to subscribing libraries and organisations. It has been published continuously since 1925, and its back volumes constitute an important archive on the history of the University. The Journal is now published in digital as well as in printed format; the complete back run is also being digitised, and will be available online.
Contributions are welcomed from members and all University staff, students, and alumni, as well as from external authors with an interest in the University, and should have a connection with the University. Articles should be 2,500 words in length, but shorter and longer ones may exceptionally be considered. Reviews (of books, journals, CDs, or DVDs associated with the University) should be 750 words, and notes for obituaries 150 words; items for review should be sent to the editorial address below. Copy deadlines are normally 31 March for June issues and 30 September for December issues; later ones will exceptionally be agreed in advance.
Contributions should conform to the Modern Humanities Research Association Style Guide or the Modern Languages Association Handbook, and the Harvard style of reference citation may be used when appropriate. Articles may be accompanied by colour and black-and-white illustration images in high resolution and of a quality no less than 300 dpi. Contributions should preferably be submitted as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt attachments, with illustrations as separate .jpeg, .png, .tiff, or .bmp attachments. Exceptionally and by prior arrangement, typescripts may also be considered.
If accepted, authors will be asked also to supply a brief biographical statement (75 words maximum) and a portrait photograph in high-resolution. Copyright in the Journal is held jointly by the Graduates’ Association and individual contributors. On publication, each contributor will be sent one free copy of the issue that contains their work, in addition to subscription copies where taken. The Journal does not offer fees to contributors, but reviewers retain copies of items reviewed for their own use.
Additional technical assistance in the preparation of file types, images, and other media will be provided by the Editorial Office where possible. Please feel free to contact us with any questions using the following form:
Alternatively, you can write or telephone us using the following details. Our office is open from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.30 am and 12.30 pm.
Honorary Editor
University of Edinburgh Journal
University of Edinburgh Graduates' Association
1FR, 18 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh,
+44 (0)131 650 4292
We'll do our very best to respond as soon as possible.
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