University of Edinburgh Graduates' Association
1. Name
The name of the Association shall be ‘The University of Edinburgh Graduates’ Association’, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’.
2. Objects
The objects of the Association shall be to keep the Graduates and other Alumni of the University of Edinburgh in touch with the University and with each other, to publish the University of Edinburgh Journal and to help in promoting the welfare of the University and of its students.
3. Membership
Membership shall be open to: -
Graduates and all Alumni (former Matriculated Students) including Diplomates of Incorporated Institutions, of the University.
The Chancellor.
Present and past members of the University Court.
Present and past University Staff.
Honorary Graduates of the University.
Graduates and Alumni of other Universities.
Affiliated membership:- Affiliated Edinburgh University clubs, branches or associations, approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Association.
Associate membership:- Any person who subscribes to the objects of the Association may apply to be granted Associate membership. Associate members will have the same standing as full members but will have no voting powers.
Honorary membership:- Honorary membership may be conferred by a General Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
The Rector:- The Rector of the University shall, during the term of office, be a Member of the Association with the same standing as a full Member.
4. Management
The affairs of the Association shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee, which shall have powers to co-opt and to appoint such Committees as it may deem necessary e.g. the Journal Editorial Committee and the Events Committee.
The Office-bearers of the Association, who shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting, shall consist of a President, one Vice-President, Editor of the Journal, an Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer. The President and Vice-President may hold office in their respective positions for not more than three consecutive years.
The Executive Committee shall consist of :-
Office-bearers - viz. the Office-bearers referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Elected members -
A. The Association shall elect at each Annual General Meeting not more than ten persons, being members of the Association, to serve on the Executive Committee.
Such persons may also be re-elected subject to the proviso that no-one shall serve on the Committee for more than five consecutive years.
The immediate Past President may continue to serve on the Committee ex officio for one year.
Appointed members - Each affiliated Edinburgh University club, branch or association wherever situated, approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Association, may appoint annually a member of the Association resident within the United Kingdom to represent it on the Executive Committee.
Student Representatives - The following three student representatives shall be members ex officiis of the Executive Committee – viz. The President of the Students’ Association, the Vice-President (Services) of the Students’ Association, the President of the Sports Union.
Honorary Office-bearers - On the recommendation of the Executive Committee, a Patron or Patrons and/or Honorary President or Honorary Presidents may be elected at any General Meeting. Honorary Office-bearers are entitled ex officiis to be members of the Executive Committee.
Association events and meetings will normally be chaired by the President, in whose absence the Vice-President, or thereafter by a member elected by the meeting.
5. Finance
An Honorary Accounts Examiner shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting.
Subscriptions for Members and Associate Members and affiliation fees for affiliated clubs, branches or associations shall be fixed at an Annual General Meeting and remain in force until amended at a later Annual General Meeting.
After the necessary expenses of administration incidental to the working of the Association have been met, all funds subscribed to or otherwise entrusted to the Association shall be held or used for promoting the objects of the Association in such manner as the Executive Committee shall deem expedient, subject always to any instructions which may be given by the Association at a General Meeting and, in the case of contributions other than subscriptions or affiliation fees, to any restrictions to particular objects which may be imposed by individual contributors.
6. Meetings
An Annual General Meeting shall be held within each Calendar year, at which examined accounts shall be submitted by the Honorary Treasurer and a report on the work of the Executive Committee shall be presented by the President.
Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held as and when determined by the Office-bearers.
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called for a defined purpose on the written, signed requisition of no fewer than twenty members, presented to the Honorary Secretary.
Notice of all General Meetings shall be sent to each enrolled member two weeks before the meeting (except in the case of members whose addresses are deemed by the Honorary Secretary too remote to be effective) or shall be advertised at least ten days before the meeting in such publications as the Executive Committee may decide.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
7. Changes in Constitution
This Constitution may be amended by a General Meeting, the Notice of which shall intimate the proposed amendment, and no amendment shall have effect unless approved by at least two-thirds of the number of votes cast at such meeting.
8. Dissolution
The Association may be dissolved by a Resolution carried by three-fourths of the Members voting in person or by proxy at an Extraordinary General Meeting of which Notice, dispatched not less than twenty-eight days prior to such Meeting, has been given specifying the intention, the reason for dissolution, and the proposed final disposal of available net funds and/or property. In the event of such dissolution occurring without the final destiny of the whole or any part of available net funds and/or property being directed, the same shall be paid and made over to the University of Edinburgh.
Adopted by majority at the Annual General Meeting held in The Playfair Library Hall, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh on 27 February 2014.
Dr Joyce E Richardson
Honorary Secretary (2014)